The Cepia Club Blog

The Cepia Club Blog: The Cepia Club believes individual awareness and activism can lead to a peaceful and prosperous world. This blog contains the pertinent literature, both creative and non-fiction, produced by the Cepiaclub Director and its associates.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Breaking News Concerning Last Posting

Just minutes ago, at approximately 2:45 PM (CST), National Public Radio announced that a four-star general has been chosen to command all US and all NATO forces in Afghanistan. The name of the general was not announced in the news brief. It can only be assumed that he or she is an American, and most likely an USA or USMC general, although it is possible that they are a USAF general. The news brief said the appointment was necessary in light of the recent resurgence of Taliban-Al Qaeda activity in Afghanistan.

Even though the main topic of yesterday's September 26, 2006 Clublog posting on command and control in Afghanistan has been addressed, the other question about the role of US Special Operations Command (USSOCCOM) in Afghanistan would be interesting to find out.

It is somewhat gratifying to find out that we here at the Club are not totally off-base with our viewpoint or concerns.


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