The Cepia Club Blog

The Cepia Club Blog: The Cepia Club believes individual awareness and activism can lead to a peaceful and prosperous world. This blog contains the pertinent literature, both creative and non-fiction, produced by the Cepiaclub Director and its associates.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Club Report--June 9, 2006--Publishing Update

Club Report–June 9, 2006–Publishing Update

It was a busy month of May for The Cepia Club. This first week of June has also been very productive.
The first issue of Strategy Gazette was a resounding success. There was an error by omission by not having a disclaimer saying that the views expressed in Strategy Gazette belong solely to the author(s) and are neither endorsed nor opposed by the advertisers. That will not be a problem in the future.
Overall, the response to the inaugural issue was extremely positive and supportive. Already, two subscribers and a regular advertiser have signed up. I hope to support the newsletter by subscriptions and advertising. Some outreach copies will be emailed and printed in order to build the reading and subscriber base, but only paid subscribers and advertisers (who will be comped issues) will be guaranteed delivery.
In May, I wrote the first two essays for The Cepia Club Paper Series. Paper #1 was on energy conservation and conversion. The essay detailed the problems of our current system of energy production and use, both economically and ecologically. True to form for a “community ending public ignorance and apathy,” the essay had easy to do, voluntary measures that individuals can take to save energy and to help the planet. The third section of the essay was a national strategy for reinventing how the United States develops and uses energy. This plan uses a free-market approach and devises a new transportation infrastructure philosophy.
Paper #2 was “How to Volunteer in Politics.” It was a long-planned project on giving people a comprehensive and concise beginner’s guide to making the world a better place through political activism. The premise for the essay was, “Everyone wants to do something to help good political candidates and causes, but not many people really know how.” Well, now people have the suggestions in the guide. The guide covers both how to operate as a volunteer and specific activities that all political movements need from volunteers in order to succeed.
Both of the The Cepia Club papers were well-received.
I have begun writing the Club business plan. The working title is “Club 21: Building a 21st Century Business.” I have some good notes and a some drafts. My goal is to have a second and revised draft by the end of June.
On other fronts, the filming of episode #2 of the Freedom Affairs television show is scheduled for June 16th at the Northern Lakes Center for the Arts. I will be interviewing Club Tekwizard Chuck B. about science and technology. Wednesday, I finished Act I of a three act screenplay for a science fiction cartoon called “The Tower: From the Adventures of the Baron Quark.” The cartoon is a project on going for several years now. It will be a miracle if it is every made into a feature cartoon. Finally, I have begun filming the “Writing in Amery, Wisconsin” part of my summer documentary project about the Northern Lakes Center for the Arts. The working title for the project is “Grass Roots Arts: The Northern Lakes Center Experience.”
All is well and busy at The Cepia Club.


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