Club Report--April 11, 2006
Club Report–April 11, 2006
I have had a busy two weeks since my last Clublog posting. In that time I have only finished reading volume two of the writings and speeches of Abraham Lincoln from the Library of America collection and three foreign policy magazines this past weekend. I am currently half way through Ron Chernow’s 1998 biography of John D. Rockefeller, Titan. I spent a three day weekend visiting “family” in Madison, WI over April’s Fools Day and did some volunteer work for a non-profit. The rest of my time has been occupied in Club activity.
Three weeks ago I was solicited to write an op-ed article for the Inter-County Leader, a weekly paper which covers Polk and Burnett counties in western Wisconsin. The article opposed voter advisory referendums calling for the immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. The advisory resolutions appeared on some local municipal ballots during the April 4th election . I wrote an 1100 word essay on some of those pesky political realities about which I have been warning for over a decade. My article was condensed to 800 words for publication. (It will be included in the first issue of Strategy Gazette).
The pro-side of the issue was written by the Green Party candidate for the 7th U.S. Congress seat, Mr. Mike Miles. My article elicited both favorable and response and some criticism from liberals and conservatives. Most of the conservative criticism of my article involved calling the Bush Administration “criminally negligent” for its prosecution of the war in Iraq. The Republicans really hated to hear that. I felt not at all worried about my statement. The week after my article appeared, Thomas Friedman of the New York Times used the same words, “criminally negligent,” in the exact context I did.
On Saturday, April 8th, I took action video footage on Guppy Trails out behind Smitty’s Bikes. I had trouble Sunday installing my dvd burner and I’m waiting for a new part for my computer. Despite that, the long-awaited Smitty’s video project is in progress. I hope to have a final version in three or four weeks. I am doing a video shoot on April 13th at the Northern Lakes Center for the Arts in Amery, WI, for a Theater Guild project. This shoot will tie into a long-dreamed project of producing Freedom Affairs, a television show which will be shot in the Arts Center. I plan to have my first episode done by the early May. I have already begun checking with community cable access television stations in northwestern Wisconsin about membership and/or sponsorship requirements for broadcasting. This cable access television information will be directly used in a Tyberg Campaign communications project.
While the Tyberg for Congress campaign is operating at a normal task-by-task pace, last week I did some writing for Craig Mohn’s campaign for Wisconsin Assembly. Craig was the 2003-2005 chair of the St. Croix Valley Liberty (SCVL) and ran for the same 29th Assembly seat in 2004. Craig is using the SCVL strategy he inspired, running under small “l” libertarian themes as a Democratic Party candidate. Craig’s chances of winning office are remarkable. Two months ago, the one-term Republican incumbent announced he would not seek reelection.
The has been updated and more things will be added. The long-delayed Strategy Gazette is almost ready. I have obtained some submissions and I am finishing the last article. I have decided to forgo the article on libertarian internationalism until a later date. “The Mad Tales” by Pi Kielty will be sent to the printer next week. Order now!
In sum, the Club continues to progress. Thank you for the support.
I have had a busy two weeks since my last Clublog posting. In that time I have only finished reading volume two of the writings and speeches of Abraham Lincoln from the Library of America collection and three foreign policy magazines this past weekend. I am currently half way through Ron Chernow’s 1998 biography of John D. Rockefeller, Titan. I spent a three day weekend visiting “family” in Madison, WI over April’s Fools Day and did some volunteer work for a non-profit. The rest of my time has been occupied in Club activity.
Three weeks ago I was solicited to write an op-ed article for the Inter-County Leader, a weekly paper which covers Polk and Burnett counties in western Wisconsin. The article opposed voter advisory referendums calling for the immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. The advisory resolutions appeared on some local municipal ballots during the April 4th election . I wrote an 1100 word essay on some of those pesky political realities about which I have been warning for over a decade. My article was condensed to 800 words for publication. (It will be included in the first issue of Strategy Gazette).
The pro-side of the issue was written by the Green Party candidate for the 7th U.S. Congress seat, Mr. Mike Miles. My article elicited both favorable and response and some criticism from liberals and conservatives. Most of the conservative criticism of my article involved calling the Bush Administration “criminally negligent” for its prosecution of the war in Iraq. The Republicans really hated to hear that. I felt not at all worried about my statement. The week after my article appeared, Thomas Friedman of the New York Times used the same words, “criminally negligent,” in the exact context I did.
On Saturday, April 8th, I took action video footage on Guppy Trails out behind Smitty’s Bikes. I had trouble Sunday installing my dvd burner and I’m waiting for a new part for my computer. Despite that, the long-awaited Smitty’s video project is in progress. I hope to have a final version in three or four weeks. I am doing a video shoot on April 13th at the Northern Lakes Center for the Arts in Amery, WI, for a Theater Guild project. This shoot will tie into a long-dreamed project of producing Freedom Affairs, a television show which will be shot in the Arts Center. I plan to have my first episode done by the early May. I have already begun checking with community cable access television stations in northwestern Wisconsin about membership and/or sponsorship requirements for broadcasting. This cable access television information will be directly used in a Tyberg Campaign communications project.
While the Tyberg for Congress campaign is operating at a normal task-by-task pace, last week I did some writing for Craig Mohn’s campaign for Wisconsin Assembly. Craig was the 2003-2005 chair of the St. Croix Valley Liberty (SCVL) and ran for the same 29th Assembly seat in 2004. Craig is using the SCVL strategy he inspired, running under small “l” libertarian themes as a Democratic Party candidate. Craig’s chances of winning office are remarkable. Two months ago, the one-term Republican incumbent announced he would not seek reelection.
The has been updated and more things will be added. The long-delayed Strategy Gazette is almost ready. I have obtained some submissions and I am finishing the last article. I have decided to forgo the article on libertarian internationalism until a later date. “The Mad Tales” by Pi Kielty will be sent to the printer next week. Order now!
In sum, the Club continues to progress. Thank you for the support.
At 12:35 PM ,
Smitty said...
Hey T. You go boy! Looking forward to your video work. So is the Sundance Film Festival...
Why don't you publish the "referendum tome" here? I'd like to see more of your thinking come out here, rather than your day's activities...
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