Critique of Politics #8: Diversions and Wedging—Civil Discord and the Moral Bankruptcy of States
Critique of Politics #8: Diversions and
Wedging—Civil Discord and the Moral Bankruptcy of States
By Tim Krenz
For: Hometown Gazette
July 30, 2019
Anyone who owns any kind of power has
one goal before all others: Hold on to that power! The nature of that
power contains within it the power to make choices, for self or for
others, depending on the nature of the system. If humans submit to
the laws of nature and of nature's god, then the liberty to choose
among a larger range of alternatives translates into a higher and
wider scope of liberty for the most people. Hence, the freest and
widest choices available for as many citizens as possible means a
much freer civil society than if only one person or a few of them
made all the decisions for others. The more liberty for individuals
to choose has usually meant a more just, and a wiser, system of
government within which all must live together.
Of the same coin, powers for a leader
or powers for the masses of individuals come with very definite
responsibilities for that gift of liberty in nature's laws. Those
duties include: to do good for the most people at the same time; to
protect from any harm whatsoever the young, the old, the sick, and
the infirm, and all who cannot protect themselves; to allow others
the same freedoms, liberty, and choices one demands for oneself; and
to assert and defend the principles of one's own sense of right and
wrong for the benefit of the whole society. Failing any of these
measures of duty for a stable, free, just and enduring public trust,
then that civil society cannot last long as a free, self-governing
system for all citizens. In that case, the society becomes the
playground of the few most powerful at the expense of the rest.
Furthermore, ignoring any of these requirements a free society needs
to cope and manage conflicts and change, then that failed experiment
in free society will face its own, and terminal, moral bankruptcy.
That society will collapse swiftly, dangerously, violently, and
With the ambitions to maintain control
of political power while delaying the mass recognition of moral
bankruptcy in the society, diverting and dividing the public becomes
the single most effective and efficient means for leaders to extend
the fiction of both their control over events and the solvency of
their rule.
Almost everyone may have heard of
“panem et circenses,” the Latin phrase for “bread and
circuses.” Roman rulers of the patrician and Praetorian ranks gave
the plebians (the masses) subsidized grain for cheap bread and plenty
of addicting entertainment. Keeping bellies full and distracting the
public's attention from critical issues and events worked until the
shatteringly swift collapse of the Western Roman Empire as a coherent
entity. The breads and circuses diverted the attention from the
internal decay, with grain and games itself part of the decay
encouraging the ignorance and apathy of the public.
The Romans and their Byzantine brothers
in the Eastern Empire also used a policy of “divide et impera,”
or “divide and rule” or “divide and conquer.” In this logical
construction of the foreign and domestic policies of the great
political powers, rulers keep the enemy (the competition), and even
their own subjects and citizens in constant conflict between each
other. This leaves the opposition weak and the ruling power(s)
stronger. Rulers know that if the opponents of any institution or
party ever unified by common ideals or alliances of convenience, the
power that rules or the elite few that support them would have a more
difficult time defending or justifying their reign of power. At that
stage, like France at the beginning of their revolutionary and
Napoleonic eras, the ancient regimes of the old power(s) would
collapse, suddenly, due to their moral bankruptcy.
With diversions, modern nation states
bring updated and sophisticated breads and circuses to their heights.
Anything to distract the public works to the advantage of the power
that rules. The Nazis in Germany named Joseph Goebbels' grand
institution the Reich Ministry of Popular Enlightenment and
Propaganda for very sound reasons—effectiveness and efficiency. The
ministry both diverted attention from Nazis crimes against people and
kept the Nazi faithful followers supportive, and eventually
complicit, in those very same crimes. Now the world even surpasses
the Twentieth Century's superlative tool of diversion, the
television, with the combined effects of the near-instant internet,
massive free content, and, ironically, subscribed on-demand
Modern politics with weapons of mass
manipulation refines the divide and rule/conquer methods of old.
While chipping away at the legal means and ethical standards of moral
dissent, and with a promotion of a mass conformity, a new, partly
voluntary coercion of the public trust has crept into political
dialog. This silent bomb in a very quiet war of dividing nations uses
the “wedge” weapons in the modern divide et impera. The wedging
principle used by influential institutions forms two distinct groups,
neither willingly powerful enough to displace the other, but both
benefiting from the absence of other choices that could undermine the
two dominant factions. It has drawn distinct lines, defining one side
and the other. More options would weaken the two ruling sides,
because the third or other choices could shift some alliances of
principle or interests. Oddly, and truly, the leaders of two sides
have more in common with each other than they do with the rank and
file members of their factions.
Wedging issues abound. Look near and
far, and a thoughtful, critical, open-minded citizen can see it. Some
of the more obvious ones: abortion, immigration, private firearms,
socialism versus capitalism, liberalism or conservatism, force versus
sanctions, war versus diplomacy, the struggle with Islam (and over
Israel), and the many-sided problems of race, sex, religion, income,
age, and health discrimination. These wedge issues exist not just in
North America, but world-wide. It has become all too convenient for
rulers everywhere to have such neat piles on each side. Why?
Effectiveness and efficiency.
Maintaining diversions and sustaining
wedges in the public—and avoiding deeper examinations of motives
and consequences—creates a far too dangerous situation for a free
society to survive with ease. Drawing lines pushes all but the rulers
into an “Us or Them” mentality. Really, the issue should come
down to “We!”: United, for freedom of conscience, freedom of
speech, freedom from fear, and freedom from want. With a “WE”
identity, the rulers can rightfully become the “THEY” who oppress
and steal our liberty of self and our choices!
Can a society self-govern itself,
without a few who think they should make our choices for the mass
majority? How well has self-government ever before worked? The people
of the world and all nations have choices to make. The problems will
not leave on their own account. Neither will the manipulations of
leaders to stay in power for themselves change much unless something
drastic happens. When it happens, if it does, indeed, it will come
suddenly, brutally, and at great cost.
The present dilemma exists because
people take too much of their own opinion too seriously, (like
myself) and fail to understand that politics, governing, liberty, and
the future of humankind do not have clean and neat answers.
Democracy, that great last hope for the American republic to resolve
its differences, allows citizens to reconcile and cooperate, to
manage a peaceful resolution of conflict and change. Unfortunately,
people forget or just resent the fact that other people get to vote,
too. Voting, a choice made, preserves liberty, especially when the
losing side has incentive to remain loyal in opposition. A winner who
wants to take all will end up taking all liberty from everyone,
except from themselves. Stay forewarned. And hold on to your power!
WE need it.
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