The Cepia Club Blog

The Cepia Club Blog: The Cepia Club believes individual awareness and activism can lead to a peaceful and prosperous world. This blog contains the pertinent literature, both creative and non-fiction, produced by the Cepiaclub Director and its associates.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Epochs, Conflict and Change

In the last two hundred years, four shifts form the birthing-panged process of human civilization as we have it. The first shift in question began at the end of French Revolution & Napoleonic Era. It consolidated mass industrial societies. A multipolar system of competing empires in Europe and Asia, along with America’s unique “republican” imperialism over the Western Hemisphere, governed international relations.
The second shift centered around the American Civil War (1861-1865) and America’s rise to Great Power status over the next fifty years, and an unwanted empire in the Pacific. In this epoch America prepared itself to pose its power to become THE key in the struggle between empires, old and crumbling (Russia, China, Ottoman, and Austro-Hungarian), new (Japan and Germany), the most powerful (Great Britain), and on the fence (France).
The third epoch, humanity’s insane civil war, was the long, interrupted conflict from 1914-1945, the First and Second World Wars. In this conflict, America and Russia under Bolshevism, emerged the most powerful, the other empires dead or dying. The World Wars were between racist superiority practicing slavery under totalitarian government and were opposed by constitutional liberal democracy and contractual markets.
The Cold War was the struggle was between America’s funny “democratic” imperialism and the Bolshevik/Soviet communist one. It was an often violent and financially costly “war” between systems and ideas of industrial government.
9/11/2001, the true end of the Cold War, was the beginning of the “Post-Historical Era,” to be a struggle between individuals and their liberty against elite classes ruling for the narrow interests of the few. The moral of this history is that the politics, economics, technology, and the very cultures changed. “Chicken and egg,” change and conflict entwine. Historians should witness this era as the defining moment whether humanity is enslaved for the benefit of the few, or whether the rights and laws of nature–life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness–shall endure, apply, and rule our future, for peace and prosperity.


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