The Cepia Club Blog

The Cepia Club Blog: The Cepia Club believes individual awareness and activism can lead to a peaceful and prosperous world. This blog contains the pertinent literature, both creative and non-fiction, produced by the Cepiaclub Director and its associates.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Update--Stragety Gazette and PiK. Media

After my last Clublog entry about the essay, "Strategy, Escalation and Quagmire," I have to reconsider putting it into the next issue of The Cepia Club Strategy Gazette (Vol. 1, #4) due out Thu. Feb. 1, 2007. I had done quite a bit of research for updating AND correcting the essay this past four days. But there is a limit of space in the newsletter has presented a problem. The S.G. has been 16 pages for issues #1-3. I was willing to go to 20 pages for this next issue, or even 24. Now, I do have the template for the newsletter ready, having finished the "new look" two weeks ago. (Part of the new look will be full on-line and emailed copies in color portable document files [.pdf]). The major writings have been completed and been undergoing intensive review and revising. The main article is "Libertarian Internationalism: Fixing the Core of U.S. Strategy." The essay itself has been started, rejected, and restarted over seven times in the last three years. Its unveiling in the next S.G. will be a personal accomplish. I only hope it satisfies the readers. Because of the new paragraph and spacing format we are adapting for S.G. (if we make that final decision to use it), the essay is almost 11 pages long already. With the other articles, and the advertisements, it would be 20 page newsletter. In order to do the "Strategy, Escalation, and Quagmire" essay correctly and include it in the S.G., the newsletter would have to approach 32 pages. At this stage, that would be both an unmanagable newsletter for our printing cost and an unreasonable length for our readers at present. So, the "Strategy" essay will not be in the new Gazette. Instead, we will do an even more thorough job on the essay. We have the option of presenting it as a separate publication. However, beginning with Vol. 2, No. 5 (our numbers on the issue will run consecutively instead of starting each new volume with "1"), April 1, 2007, The Cepia Club Strategy Gazette will run bi-monthly, which is six times a year.

About our PiK. Media update, we are in the advance post-production phase of "Let There Be Bikes," the story about the two-year life of Smitty's Bikes. Look for it soon on .

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