The Cepia Club Blog

The Cepia Club Blog: The Cepia Club believes individual awareness and activism can lead to a peaceful and prosperous world. This blog contains the pertinent literature, both creative and non-fiction, produced by the Cepiaclub Director and its associates.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Club Report–Jan. 2, 2007: Success and Promise

2007 looks promising for The Cepia Club. Last year, we established our business and operated all four of enterprises: publishing, broadcasting, public and media relations, and CepiaNet. Progress in Nov. and Dec. 2006 was extraordinary. Now, we are set to move forward.

In publishing, the new Pi Kielty book, “The Mad Tales,” is selling, and selling rather well. One reason the Clublog has been neglected for 2-1/2 weeks is that we worked very steadily on the website. The Club website is almost complete. Strategy Gazette is coming out Feb. 1st. Other information, creative, promotional, and “other” literature is under development.

In broadcasting, the second episode of Freedom Affairs is posted on our TV page. The third episode is in pre-production with a guest confirmed. Today, I have been working on our first commercial for our TV page downloads. was kind enough to let us experiment with their image.

In 2006 we gained great public and media relations experience and built formidable assets. We also learned about what kind of things not to do–like support political candidates who speak liberty but who believe otherwise. Last week we sent out a press release for Pi Kielty’s book party this Sat., Jan. 6th, at the Northern Lakes Center for the Arts, here in Amery, WI, USA. The press release must have gotten some play because we have received some calls about the party and requesting more info on the Club. Last Sat. on Dec. 30th I gave a speech at a concert at Planet Supply in St. Croix Falls, WI on “taking back the power.” A lot of newsletters and zines were picked up by interested people. The event even helped the CepiaNet as three people, one in the military, signed-up. Also concerning the CepiaNet, three new people joined the Yahoo! Group.

Our strategic vision business plan, Club 21: Connecting People, was finalized in early Dec. We are already following its outline for our enterprises, competencies, direction (management) and activities. Our Club virtual office has also been established on a free site service. We are still learning from the wiki version, but as Smitty pointed out, the office will be a great tool for our productivity and our building success.

The 2007 theme for our Club uses Thomas Friedman’s book “The World Is Flat: Updated and Expanded” as its core premise. The theme upon which we will conduct our business and “cepia” work is “Capitalizing on the Flat World of Business.” The book is strongly recommended for reading by all Club participants. Those familiar with the book will know how the book and theme and our goals this year combine. I will probably write something on our 2007 theme. A review of the Friedman book is scheduled for the next issue (#4) of Strategy Gazette.

Building on our 2006 success will lead to a better, more profitable business. That will, in turn, lead us to be a better Club and be more successful at helping others. There are some projects that I have in mind for literature, broadcasting, public and media relations (which includes events), and for CepiaNet. These projects will all draw heavily on each other in reinforcing method of creating impact for our growth, development, and outreach. For example, I would like to do some sort of info-mentary on the Club. We also need a CepiaNet participants handbook or guide. We need to find a wider market for our public and media releases and activities (like some list serves or a wider-ranging database). We need to build the link exchange process for our website. On the link exchanges, one of my best friend’s, Jen Mueller (see her Club Listing), is helping us. Overall, many people are cooperating in an exchange of favors and service to help us, and we are in turn helping them.

The Club is working. Here’s to 2007!


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