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The Cepia Club Blog: The Cepia Club believes individual awareness and activism can lead to a peaceful and prosperous world. This blog contains the pertinent literature, both creative and non-fiction, produced by the Cepiaclub Director and its associates.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Facts and the Fate of Freedom

Sub Terra Vita
By Scipio Cepiacanus
April 11, 2010, Sunday, 6 PM

The Facts and the Fate of Freedom


Yesterday's Libertarian Party of Wisconsin (LPWI) convention in Oconomowoc was a great success. It was well-attended (at one count half-way through the speakers) by over 53 people. It was fun and informative, and full of fascinating fellowship with other distinct individuals who pursue their own small “l” libertarianism.

What does “libertarianism” mean in the broader philosophy and in the principles by which we live? One definition easy to understand, is that libertarianism is in essence the “Liberty to live our own lives; and to allow liberty to let others live their own lives without harm from others.” Libertarianism is just the long “smart”-word for the oldest form of law in our civilization. That law is, “Free-will that chooses to respect the rights of others in order to preserve our own.” Liberty to live is NOT license-to-kill, cheat, steal or oppress others. In fact, one of liberty's first tenets, like in medicine, is to “first do no harm, and help if you can without reward.”

Anyone with an advantage in any way can use such natural or unnatural power— size, strength, wealth, or weapons—to do unto others whatever they like, no matter the cost. They COULD, but it is the natural order of the freedom to be free by allowing EVERYONE the liberty to be fulfilled and safe in person and property. Unless everyone has those same rights, no one will have any liberty in the end. Liberty as a natural order of things, of the natural laws to self-ownership, also means one thing as the incontestable rule of civilization: If we break the natural law of liberty, in such ways as to harm other people or defraud them of their own property or right of choices, by violence or threats of violence, the law breakers must face the consequences. And the punishments in natural law are the loss of one's own liberty by due process.

In the similar line of a law of natural rights, only a person's peers formed into what Anglo-Saxon law calls a Jury can judge the innocence or degree of guilt, AND the punishments accorded, of a breaker of the law.

The discussion of the nature of liberty, and the forms it takes in a modern political-economic system, was the general theme of the convention. The process of how jurors in the system of law by rule of law determine the FACTS of a case was the summary of Barry Hammarback's speech at the April 10, 2010 LPWI convention, a speech appropriately entitled, “Fact Based Legislation.”

My friend and colleague, Mr. Barry Hammarback, is an attorney-at-law who practices in River Falls, WI, a large Pierce County city in the St. Croix Valley of Western Wisconsin that is also home to the University of Wisconsin—River Falls. Mr. Hammarback's speech looks at the statistical numbers involved in the issues like a discerning economist, or a mathematician who can see the flaws in logic, or physicist who uses numbers to prove scientifically the existence of the objective possibilities in a universe. In short, like the accomplished trial lawyer he is, Mr. Hammarback uses the numbers to show the frauds attempted by special interests and government in their political-economic policies.

Without digging into the statistics Mr. Hammarback presented in his words and on his visual presentation graphics here in this essay (STAY ATTENTIVE TO SEE THE VIDEO TO BE AVAILABLE ON AND IN A FEW WEEKS FROM THIS WRITING), Mr. Hammarback looks at the number of deaths caused since September 11, 2001 by international guerrilla-terrorism in Wisconsin and the United States, numbers which pale by a towering and undeniable number of deaths caused in that time by influenza, and not only influenza, the common flu, but by specific means of people not washing their hands with soap who spread the virus.

Next, Mr. Hammarback showed the amount of money spent on fighting terrorism inside the United States and even more narrowly in Wisconsin via its state and local legislation—ie, the use of taxpayer dollars fighting the scourge of Wisconsin's terrorism crisis. In the most damning verification of the misguided use of special interest and fear politics, Mr. Hammarback lowers the boom when he shows how little money is spent to prevent astronomical amount of deaths via the lack of washing hands (even by doctors) that cause most influenza deaths. Plain and simple, the numbers don't lie. Like all science, it is true only, or at least mostly, if it can be expressed and understood in numbers.

In addition to the wasted Wisconsin—and Federal—taxes due to fighting internal and external terrorism, Mr. Hammarback received a resounding applause when he mentioned the theft of personal liberties by such legislation passed in the US Congress and Wisconsin's very own State House and local boards designed to protect us from, terrorism. The dispute of the war against guerrilla-terrorists is not necessary here to develop or examine. But the numbers spent on internal security vs. disease prevented, the cost of lives lost to terror or that could be saved by hand soap, stagger belief. Little money is spent on plain old preventive hand soap, that can save one hundred times the lives lost every year to terrorism in Wisconsin and even the United States.

Further Mr. Hammarback has more logic and reason on his side in the numbers than just using fear of terrorism to manipulate and mismanage domestic spending inside Wisconsin. His numbers on what it would cost to use a smaller amount of money—compared to that spent “fighting” terrorism in Wisconsin—to buy plain old hand soap and invest in protective equipment (and a little promotion of common sense and safety awareness) also points out the contradictions in the new American national health care system. How much cheaper would medical costs be in total if more influenza were prevented by a-dollar-a-week purchase of plain old hand soap for each person.

Again, this is no place to debate the question of Wisconsin's commitment to support national security policy as it relates to the wars world-wide fighting guerrilla-terrorism. That could be another essay entirely, no matter what one's viewpoint, where debate and balanced analysis could be used to support similar arguments on guns vs. soap, internationally.

As far as the speech “Fact-Based Legislation,” regarding Wisconsin's legislature, Mr. Hammarback's analysis is solid. There are certainly other things, plain bad political-economic policies, where the facts, in numbers, can explain where legislation made in Wisconsin and in the United States Federal Government just DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. As in a trial, decisions should be made on facts. As a jury, we cannot dispute the facts but we can contradict the law if the law is in error, in error by trying to use force or fraud or contradict the natural law of liberty for all. Part of that natural law is theft of property by taxation or theft of liberty in order to protect us from things out of proportion to the expense required.

For a country where civic responsibilities like jury duty is a moral obligation, and a mandatory duty, to saving our freedom and preserving our way of life, we expect to hear more good common sense from Mr. Barry Hammarback. Watch his speech to be posted on and and on .


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