The Cepia Club Blog

The Cepia Club Blog: The Cepia Club believes individual awareness and activism can lead to a peaceful and prosperous world. This blog contains the pertinent literature, both creative and non-fiction, produced by the Cepiaclub Director and its associates.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Part III: Of War and Peace: Into the Future

This is the third installment of The "New" World War. The first two parts are listed below in this Clublog. This entire article is scheduled to appear in the next issue of The Cepia Club Strategy Review.

US history shows constant instances of re-fighting the current or “next war” using the same ideas, equipment, and policies used in the last war, a.k.a. the “victory syndrome.” Unfortunately, the technical and operational aspects of Iraq, Afghanistan, and “the global war” have many aspects of the “victory syndrome.” From the perspective of today’s historian, a slow evolution develops in the politics of war and peace, as well as the underpinning military economics, military institutions, and cultural mind-sets that make it possible.
One result of this process may be more than a revolution in military affairs that springs upon America’s friends AND enemies on the battlefield. The predicted changes in the current order could force a cultural revolution that overwhelms people in a universal shift in world view. Could the New Paradigms overthrow the common understanding people have of the natural laws of liberty, freedom, justice and peace to a world replaced by the basic survival instincts–a “state of nature” needing imposed order?
We are in an entirely new millennia, and the old ways of war and peace disappear, replaced by new and more dangerous ones. The conflicts themselves may be hold-overs from millennia past. But, they do proffer an entirely new framework for human civilization. One of two things might happen to bring about this paradigm shift in war and peace from the current wars in the first instance we examine: That of “learning lessons” from crisis or general defeat. Either the national civilian-military leadership already have implemented changes across the spectrum of United States unified strategy and they plan on introduce them at an opportune or appropriate time. Or, second, the change will be implemented by others from the other echelons of policy leadership after the failure to learn lessons, and apply they would apply lessons to better effectiveness.
These changes will inevitable also face to the world the problems of the second instance examined later: “What are the political, economic, societal, and cultural implications of these changes?”
The criteria for examination follow in general along the questions of: “What are these needed and/or expected changes and why are they important?” “How will they operate in doctrine and function in unified strategy?” To what effect will the new paradigms of warfare have on America and the world?”
The final, most important question will be reserved for the second instance of prime concern: “How can everyone of any race, class, or belief distinction in the world influence these paradigms for the greater good of all humankind?”


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