The Cepia Club Blog

The Cepia Club Blog: The Cepia Club believes individual awareness and activism can lead to a peaceful and prosperous world. This blog contains the pertinent literature, both creative and non-fiction, produced by the Cepiaclub Director and its associates.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Cepiaclub Advisory Council Meets, Reaches Agreements

 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE--February 8, 2014—Dresser, WI—

Cepiaclub Advisory Council Meets, Reaches Agreements

The Cepia Club LLC's Advisory Council met to discuss the Club 21: “Gamma Plan” for 2014, a focused Cepiaclub effort to increase publishing output, to build a local broadcasting system on-line, to engage in more community events, and to promote its “Connecting People. . .” mission projects to increase public awareness and encourage individual activism in Western Wisconsin's Polk County.

Cepiaclub Director Tim K. chaired the meeting of six for an open discussion format. Although the informal agenda covered the primary topics, the Cepiaglobal associates forming the council arrived at agreement with the Director's “gamma plan.” As the employment policies of The Cepia Club LLC do not allow the Director or any employed staff member to join the Cepiaglobal program, the council's purpose to “inform and advise” the Cepiaclub Directory settled on the following consensus.

First, the publishing of Freedom Scene America! will continue this year, but on a monthly basis, and cover the geographic area of the communities of Dresser, Osceola, St. Croix Falls, and Amery. The local area focus for the “news-zine” will continue indefinitely into the future.

The second consensus agreed with the Director's plan to republish the Cepiaglobal quarterly journal, renamed The Cepia Club Strategy Review, with an emphasis on informative policy analysis and idea sharing for effective local activism. The quarterly publication, meant firstly for the subscribing associated membership, also has a function as a public relations outreach tool, for individuals and for public library circulation.

Third in the list of council agreements, Cepiaclub media projects will continue with the resurrection of the Freedom Affairs flagship news magazine tele-web show. And by late summer of this year, the Director plans to inaugurate the regular telecast of Cepiaclub News Show, another tele-web broadcast thus far only available off-line in two pilot tests episodes.

Finally, as yet without agreement, Cepiaclub's Advisory Council will report back at its next meeting in March on possible community events in the Dresser village, and Osceola and Garfield townships area for later in the year.

“As the 'Connecting People. . .' mission states, we will continue our work of the past 6 years to provide people with important information, news, ideas, and analysis that can and will affect their lives at some point—politically, economically, etc.,” said Director Tim K. “But aside from that, we want to teach people by example to take initiative for needed activism on the issues, and the opportunities, in the places most important to them—where they live. We help connect the ideas, and hopefully bring many different people together for common aims: for democracy, peace, prosperity, and justice.

As Tim K. further explained, the focus on the Dresser-Osceola-St. Croix Falls-Amery “triangle,” as he calls it, brings it home to where the most good can come out of Cepiaclub's effort.

For more info on Cepiaclub, visit .


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