Club Report December 29,2005
Club Report–December 29, 2005
The year winds down. It was the first year of official business for The Cepia Club. I have grown much in terms of professional development. Two-thousand-and-five was a year of personal learning and adjustment within the context of the “master plan” I devised eight years ago.
Since my last posting, I have diligently worked for Jeff Tyberg’s campaign for U.S. Congress. As this is my first real political and media affairs consulting work, I have been very enthused and interested in the work of a campaign communications director. I have also found that I learned a lot of useful knowledge in 13 years as a Libertarian Party activist. The campaign, from the candidate through my fellow advisors, gives me verbal reassurance that my ideas and my work are valued and useful. This credit of confidence for my abilities and thinking encourages me. Combined with the general support I have received for the Club from friends and strangers, my “master plan” for my career is proceeding according to general intent, with revisions.
As for the projects which have a general Club utility, I am done with the daily media databases for northwest Wisconsin. The databases are divided in “Cepia Regions” I, II, and III. CR I includes the Twin Cities, state-wide, and application national daily media (as well as the local media of the old St. Croix Valley district). I have to fill in the email contact fields for the weekly media on CR II and III databases. After that, the empty fields are available for noting special personalities, district info, and notations as they arise in the course of Club-managed media relations.
Finishing up old business of part of the “master plan,” I have begun work on the final issue of the St. Croix Valley Liberty Beacon newsletter. The State Elections Board termination papers for the SCV Liberty will be filed in January. The closure of the St. Croix Valley Liberty after six years as an affiliate Libertarian Party committee is part of the adjustment of the “master plan” that I mentioned above. The SCVL will be ending its financial status and be no longer eligible to raise or spend money. We will, fortunately, continue to do discussion group/outreach/awareness among our email subscribers.
A big part of the “New Strategy” adopted in December 2004 says that we as individuals work to encourage liberty, freedom, and truth in western Wisconsin. I am still a libertarian at heart. In addition to his personal likability and character, I have determined Jeff Tyberg, as a Republican Party candidate, 75% libertarian in his principles (he thinks I’m joking). I will continue to work with other people advancing the cause of individual liberty and freedom for everyone by telling the truth as I believe it to be truth.
There will be other Club projects done over the next few weeks which will contribute toward ahieving the goals I have set for my professional work. Check this blog in coming weeks to find out more about the activities of The Cepia Club.
The year winds down. It was the first year of official business for The Cepia Club. I have grown much in terms of professional development. Two-thousand-and-five was a year of personal learning and adjustment within the context of the “master plan” I devised eight years ago.
Since my last posting, I have diligently worked for Jeff Tyberg’s campaign for U.S. Congress. As this is my first real political and media affairs consulting work, I have been very enthused and interested in the work of a campaign communications director. I have also found that I learned a lot of useful knowledge in 13 years as a Libertarian Party activist. The campaign, from the candidate through my fellow advisors, gives me verbal reassurance that my ideas and my work are valued and useful. This credit of confidence for my abilities and thinking encourages me. Combined with the general support I have received for the Club from friends and strangers, my “master plan” for my career is proceeding according to general intent, with revisions.
As for the projects which have a general Club utility, I am done with the daily media databases for northwest Wisconsin. The databases are divided in “Cepia Regions” I, II, and III. CR I includes the Twin Cities, state-wide, and application national daily media (as well as the local media of the old St. Croix Valley district). I have to fill in the email contact fields for the weekly media on CR II and III databases. After that, the empty fields are available for noting special personalities, district info, and notations as they arise in the course of Club-managed media relations.
Finishing up old business of part of the “master plan,” I have begun work on the final issue of the St. Croix Valley Liberty Beacon newsletter. The State Elections Board termination papers for the SCV Liberty will be filed in January. The closure of the St. Croix Valley Liberty after six years as an affiliate Libertarian Party committee is part of the adjustment of the “master plan” that I mentioned above. The SCVL will be ending its financial status and be no longer eligible to raise or spend money. We will, fortunately, continue to do discussion group/outreach/awareness among our email subscribers.
A big part of the “New Strategy” adopted in December 2004 says that we as individuals work to encourage liberty, freedom, and truth in western Wisconsin. I am still a libertarian at heart. In addition to his personal likability and character, I have determined Jeff Tyberg, as a Republican Party candidate, 75% libertarian in his principles (he thinks I’m joking). I will continue to work with other people advancing the cause of individual liberty and freedom for everyone by telling the truth as I believe it to be truth.
There will be other Club projects done over the next few weeks which will contribute toward ahieving the goals I have set for my professional work. Check this blog in coming weeks to find out more about the activities of The Cepia Club.